South Hadley High School Student Artwork

Monday, January 23, 2012

South Hadley Public Schools Safety Night

Here is the video presentation of our Safety Night for Parents. The Presenters discuss a range of issues, including internet safety and bullying, that effect our students.

If you would like to view the presentation in full screen, please click the link below:

Direct Link to Video on Youtube

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Great Coverage of our Food Drive!

Congratulations to all of our students and staff who helped out with this incrediable community event. Here is some super coverage of the happenings:

WGGB Coverage of the Event

WWLP Coverage of the Event

Friday, January 6, 2012

Chemical Naming and Formulas in Chemical Reactions

Mr. Benoit's chemistry class is working on naming and writing formulas for compounds.  Students were asked to conduct an experiment that involved dropping compounds into test tubes to observe their effects.