South Hadley High School Student Artwork

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sustainable Design Assessment Team Committee Community Meetings

South Hadley created a Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) Steering Committee to undertake a community planning effort in the Falls area. Ms. Helen Fantini is the chair of the Steering Committee.

On Monday, a team of volunteer consultants will be coming to South Hadley and will be conducting a community forum Monday night to solicit community input. This will be followed by an intense effort by the consultants and a public presentation of their findings on Wednesday night.

Here are the times and locations for these events: 
  • Falls Public Forum Town Hall Auditorium Monday at 6:30 p.m.
  • Falls Public Presentation Town Hall Auditorium Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

iParent Information

The high school will be testing the iParent portal during the 4th quarter of this year. A limited number of teachers have agreed to participate in the pilot program. 

Starting in the 2012-2013 school year, all teachers will have their grades available for parents to access online. 

If you have already registered through the middle school, then you do not have to register again. You will have access to the high school already. 

If you have not already registered, please click on the link below to begin the process. Due to expected volume of parents signing up, it may be a little time for us to process each request. Please call or email the Principal at with any questions or concerns. We have also included two documents that might be helpful to answer some of your questions. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Junior College Planning Night Powerpoint

Academic and Scheduling Night Powerpoint

Below you will find the powerpoint used during our Scheduling and Academic Evening at the high school. Please call the school with any questions or concerns. 
Academic informationeveningforupload
View more presentations from smcniff.

Writing Center Update!!!!!

Hello from the Writing Center! 

We have two important updates this week:

First, our hours are changing, and new mentors are working!  We are so pleased that we will now have 8 high school students mentoring in the writing center during the following blocks! 

B Block - (4)
D Block - (1)
E Block -  (3) 
G Block - (1) 

Please encourage your students to take advantage of these expanded hours and fantastic new peer mentors! 

Secondly, we are also excited to tell you that we have prepared and are offering a workshop on Writing the SAT Essay.  If you think this is something that your students could benefit from, please email us with days and blocks that work well for you! 

Thank you again for all your support! 


Sarah and Ariel